Alhamdullilah, our Grand Ihtifal & Year End Concert going smoothly. Great to see the childrens performance. They perform so well. Fully of enthusiastics and they practice just for a month. MasyaAllah ~This event we colaborate with our friends from Little Caliphs Puncak Jalil. We arrive @ Serdang Agriculture Institute hall about 10.20am. All the students take the bus that we provided from our school in Bandar Kinrara.
Parents arrived around 10.30pm for registration. They looks very excited to see their children on stage. The event start about 2.30pm with opening- doa recitation by little caliphs Bandar Kinrara and Puncak Jalil.
Here the picture of our Ihtifal.. :)
Here the picture of our Ihtifal.. :)